A real-life hair discolouration miracle cure
You can hear the panic in a stylist’s voice when they get in touch with a case of hair discolouration. Whilst it is about investigating with the hair extension wearer to understand what has changed and caused this, and to reassure you that this can be fixed with a treatment. Here Seapony Hair in Edinburgh shares their real discolouration hair nightmare.
But this one has a happy ending (spoiler alert!).
Ten weeks ago, we applied 3 packs of 18″ Elegance Injection Tapes, in colours 7/20, 55/60 and 55. My client has been wearing tape extensions, fitted by myself, for 2 years now and has never had an issue. She has good maintenance and aftercare, so when she got in touch just 6 weeks later with bright orange patches all over the hair, it was quite alarming. I hadn’t seen this reaction before, and when I had seen her 2 weeks previously for her maintenance, all was totally fine. So, the reaction must have happened quite suddenly to her hair.
She sent me an image of her hair and I was quite worried as to what was happening to her beautiful, ash-blonde hair extensions, as they were now very warm and almost orange. I knew I had to get her in to see me ASAP to find out what was going.

My aftercare advice had always been to only use Sulphate and Paraben free shampoos and to keep extensions out of the sun to prevent fading wherever possible. I was not aware of the research that Remi Cachet had done on the sun cream and water filtration systems and didn’t appreciate the extent of the problem and how badly the hair would be affected.
I got in touch with Remi Cachet who shared lots of information with me on this and the step by step video, showing how to fix the issue with Malibu C Hard Water Remedy, I ordered it then and there. It’s been fascinating learning more about the hard water and mineral build-ups.
I liked that the video was so detailed and showed the peachy colour of hair that could happen from a hard water build-up, and that appeared to be textbook as to what was happening with my client’s hair. This immediately put my mind at ease. I found the step-by-step instructions very thorough and easy to follow.
When my client came in, I removed the hair extensions from her hair as I wasn’t sure how long the process was going to take and to work easily. I then cleaned them with the Hard Water Wellness Shampoo, a few times, before using the Malibu C Hard Water sachets, and emulsified the crystals all over the hair. Next, I wrapped the hair in a plastic bag and towel, and left them next to some heat for just over one hour, as the video had shown me. I then washed the extensions with Maria Nila Silver shampoo and conditioned it with Malibu C Hard Water Conditioner. Once dried the results were amazing. Perfect extensions, back to their original colour. My client and I were both thrilled, and relieved, with the final results.
The Malibu C crystals lathered up and went a long way, and it really left the hair feeling super soft and in pristine condition, with a beautiful shine. I love that these products are all vegan free, which helps to preserve the hair’s integrity. It surprised me how much it worked and achieved the results of returning my client’s hair to its original cool tones.

Don’t panic! I certainly did! However, once the Malibu C Hard Water Wellness kit worked its magic, I have never been so grateful for this product. My client also purchased this to take home as insurance, just in case she experiences discolouration again. I now insist on this aftercare for all my clients, especially those going on holiday, and warn my clients to avoid contact with sunscreens to prevent any possible discolouration. Being able to show them these images really helps to show them this really does happen and that they need the right aftercare. The sachets are a real hair saver!
We also recommend you reading our blog on the difference between Colour Fading and Discolouration.
We hope hearing Sophie at Seapony’s story is reassuring for you that the hair is not ruined. Prevention is obviously the key, but when the worst does happen all is not lost and the hair can look amazing again.